=== List category posts === Contributors: fernandobt Donate Link: http://picandocodigo.net/programacion/wordpress/list-category-posts-wordpress-plugin-english/#support Tags: list, categories, posts, cms Requires at least: 3.3 Tested up to: 5.0 Requires PHP: 5.4 Stable tag: 0.79 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html List Category Posts allows you to list posts by category and many other parameters in a post, page or widget. You use the [catlist] shortcode to select which posts to show and how. There's tons of customizations available. == Description == List Category Posts allows you to list posts by category in a post or page using the `[catlist]` shortcode. When you're editing a page or post, directly insert the shortcode in your text and the posts will be listed there. The *basic* usage would be something like this: `[catlist id=1]` `[catlist name="news"]` The shortcode accepts a category name or id, the order in which you want the posts to display, and the number of posts to display. You can also display the post author, date, excerpt, custom field values, even the content! A lot of parameters have been added to customize what to display and how to show it. Check [the full documentation](https://github.com/picandocodigo/List-Category-Posts/wiki) to learn about the different ways to use it. The `[catlist]` shortcode can be used as many times as needed with different arguments on each post/page. `[catlist id=1 numberposts=10]` There's an options page with only one option -for the moment-, new options will be implemented on demand (as long as they make sense). Right now the only global option is the `numberposts` parameter, to define a default number of posts to show for each instance (you can override this value by using the `numberposts` parameter in your shortcode). **[Read the instructions](https://github.com/picandocodigo/List-Category-Posts/wiki)** to learn which parameters are available and how to use them. If you want to **List Categories** instead of posts you can use my other plugin **[List categories](http://wordpress.org/plugins/list-categories/)**. You can find **Frequently Asked Questions** [here](https://github.com/picandocodigo/List-Category-Posts/blob/master/doc/FAQ.md#frequently-asked-questions). **Customization** The different elements to display can be styled with CSS. you can define an HTML tag to wrap the element with, and a CSS class for this tag. Check [the documentation](https://github.com/picandocodigo/List-Category-Posts/wiki) for usage. You can also check [this nice tutorial](http://sundari-webdesign.com/wordpress-the-quest-to-my-perfect-list-view-for-posts-events-and-articles/) which gives lots of tips and how-to's to customize how to display the posts. Great to use WordPress as a CMS, and create pages with several categories posts. **GUI** Klemens Starybrat has created a GUI for List Category Posts. It helps you create a shortcode from a nice visual interface in WordPress' text editor. Check it out: [GUI for List Category Posts](https://wordpress.org/plugins/gui-for-lcp/) **Widget** Since WordPress 4.9, [you can use shortcode in text widgets](https://make.wordpress.org/core/2017/10/24/widget-improvements-in-wordpress-4-9/). So you can just add a text widget in Appearence > Widgets and write the List Category Posts shortcode. The plugin also includes a widget as a simple interface for its functionality. Just add as many widgets as you want, and select all the available options from the Appearence > Widgets page. Not all the functionality in the shortcode has been implemented in the widget yet. You can use the shortcode for the most flexibility. Please, read the information on [the wiki](https://github.com/picandocodigo/List-Category-Posts/wiki) and [Changelog](https://wordpress.org/plugins/list-category-posts/#developers) to be aware of new functionality, and improvements to the plugin. **Videos** Some users have made videos on how to use the plugin (thank you, you are awesome!), check them out here: * [Manage WordPress Content with List Category Posts Plugin](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kBy_qoGKpdo) * [WordPress: How to List Category Posts on a Page](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zfnzk4IWPNA) **Support the plugin** If you've found the plugin useful, consider making a [donation via PayPal](http://picandocodigo.net/programacion/wordpress/list-category-posts-wordpress-plugin-english/#support "Donate via PayPal"). **Development** Development is being tracked on [GitHub](https://github.com/picandocodigo/List-Category-Posts). Fork it, code, make a pull request, suggest improvements, etc. over there. I dream of the day all of the WordPress plugins will be hosted on Git :) Since the documentation on how to use the plugin has passed wordpress.org's character limit, the text was cut. I've since started using [a wiki](https://github.com/picandocodigo/List-Category-Posts/wiki) for more comfortable reading and maintaining. Please check it out, suggestions are welcome on GitHub issues! ==Instructions on how to use the plugin== Below you can find common shortcode use cases. You can use the shortcode while editing posts, pages, custom post types, text widgets and in all "page builder" plugins that support shortcodes. Read the **[full documentation](https://github.com/picandocodigo/List-Category-Posts/wiki)** to discover many more features, including: * **advanced post selection options** (by date, search terms, custom fields, post types, custom taxonomies and more) * **output customizations** (show each post's date, author, excerpt, thumbnail and more) * **custom templates** of your own design, based on a simple PHP example List 10 latest posts: `[catlist]` The default number of listed posts is 10, to modify it you need to specify `numberposts` parameter: `[catlist numberposts=15]` List posts from the "Dogs" category: `[catlist name=Dogs]` List posts from the category with id `2`: `[catlist id=2]` By default only the "post" post type is included. To list pages use: `[catlist post_type=page]` and for both posts and pages: `[catlist post_type="post,page"]` If we combine the above options we can get a shortcode that lists 15 items, including post and pages, from the "Dogs" category: `[catlist name=Dogs post_type="post,page" numberposts=15]` Most of the parameters you will find in the documentation can be used together. The plugin can detect current post's category and use it for listing: `[catlist categorypage=yes]` Same goes for tags: `[catlist currenttags=yes]` To show each post's excerpt use: `[catlist excerpt=yes]` If you want to show the date, author and comments count next to each post, use: `[catlist date=yes author=yes comments=yes]` You can specify html tags and classes for many elements. Let's modify the previous shortcode and wrap dates and authors in tags and classes of our choice: `[catlist date=yes date_tag=span date_class="my-date" author=yes author_tag=p author_class="my-author" comments=yes]` [Read more about this feature](https://github.com/picandocodigo/List-Category-Posts/wiki/HTML-&-CSS-Customization) You can order posts by date: `[catlist orderby=date]` You can also use `title`, `author`, `ID`. More options are described in the documentation. The plugin also supports pagination. You need to specify `numberposts` to tell the plugin how many posts per page you want: `[catlist pagination=yes numberposts=5]` See the wiki: [Pagination](https://github.com/picandocodigo/List-Category-Posts/wiki/Pagination) for more information. Please read the **[full documentation](https://github.com/picandocodigo/List-Category-Posts/wiki)** for detailed documentation of all plugin features, use cases and shortcode parameters. ==Installation== * Upload the `list-category-posts` directory to your wp-content/plugins/ directory. * Login to your WordPress Admin menu, go to Plugins, and activate it. * Start using the '[catlist]` shortcode in your posts and/or pages. * You can find the List Category Posts widget in the Appearence > Widgets section on your WordPress Dashboard. * If you want to customize the way the plugin displays the information, check [HTML & CSS Customization](https://github.com/picandocodigo/List-Category-Posts/wiki/HTML-&-CSS-Customization) or the [section on Templates](https://github.com/picandocodigo/List-Category-Posts/wiki/Template-System) on the wiki. == Frequently Asked Questions == You can find the Frequently Asked Questions [here](https://github.com/picandocodigo/List-Category-Posts/blob/master/doc/FAQ.md#frequently-asked-questions). **INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO USE THE PLUGIN** Check out [the Wiki](https://github.com/picandocodigo/List-Category-Posts/wiki/) Please read the instructions and the FAQ before opening a new topic in the support forums. **Widget** The widget is quite simple, and it doesn't implement all of the plugin's functionality. Since WordPress 4.9, you can use a shortcode in a widget. If you're using a previous WordPress version, add this code to your theme's functions.php file: `add_filter('widget_text', 'do_shortcode');` Then just add a new text widget to your blog and use the shortcode there as the widget's content. **HTML & CSS Customization** [HTML and CSS Customization](https://github.com/picandocodigo/List-Category-Posts/wiki/HTML-&-CSS-Customization) **TEMPLATE SYSTEM** How to customize the way the posts are shown: [Template System](https://github.com/picandocodigo/List-Category-Posts/wiki/Template-System). I am aware the Template System is not the friendliest right now, I'll work on improving this if I ever get the time to work on it. **NEW FEATURE REQUESTS, BUG FIXES, ENHANCEMENTS** You can post them on [GitHub Issues](https://github.com/picandocodigo/List-Category-Posts/issues). **FURTHER QUESTIONS** Please check the [FAQ](https://github.com/picandocodigo/List-Category-Posts/blob/master/doc/FAQ.md#frequently-asked-questions) before posting a question. You can post questions in the [Support forum](http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/list-category-posts) or [add a new issue on GitHub](https://github.com/picandocodigo/List-Category-Posts/issues). == Upgrade Notice == = 0.66 = Full release notes: https://github.com/picandocodigo/List-Category-Posts/releases/tag/0.66 = 0.65 = Full release notes here: https://github.com/picandocodigo/List-Category-Posts/releases/tag/0.65 = 0.37 = When using `content=yes`, if the post has a more tag, the plugin will only show the content previous to the more tag and not all the content as it used before (it now supports the more tag the same way as WordPress). = 0.34 = * Now the plugin accepts either class or tag or both for styling elements (such as date, author, etc. to display). When just using a tag, it will sorround the element with that tag. When using just a class, it will sorround the element between span tags and the given CSS class. Check [Other notes](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/list-category-posts/other_notes/) under **HTML & CSS Customization** for more info. * Fixed bug on `post_status`, it used to show all published posts and if user was logged in, all private ones too. Now you can specify 'private' to just display private posts, and draft, publish, draft, etc (See **post_status** param on the [instructions](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/list-category-posts/other_notes/) for more info). = 0.25 = * Translation support. = 0.18 = Template system was upgraded with new options. Backwards compatible, but you can better customize the way the post contents are displayed. Check templates/default.php. = 0.17 = Upgrade your templates: Templates system was rewritten, so your current templates will probably not work. Check out the new default.php file on /templates to see the simpler new way to work with templates. = 0.13.2 = Thumbnail parameter 'thumbnails' changed to 'thumbnail. = 0.7.2 = Template system has changed. Now the posts loop must be defined inside the template. Check templates/default.php for an example. = 0.8 = Widget built for WordPress 2.8's Widget API, so you need at least WP 2.8 to use the widget. = 0.9 = Template system has changed. Custom templates should be stored in WordPress theme folder. == Changelog == = 0.79 = * Requires PHP >= 5.4 * `categorypage` now suppports `yes` for all post's categories with OR relationship, `all` for AND relationship and `other` to get all categories except current categories (with OR relationship) (thanks @zymeth25! πŸŽ‰) * Possibly one of the last versions before 1.0. * Fixes in current category (thanks @zymeth25! πŸŽ‰) * Added link to Klemens' GUI. * Moved documentation to the wiki: https://github.com/picandocodigo/List-Category-Posts/wiki * Add 'id' to widget ordering options (thanks @zymeth25! πŸŽ‰) * Add currenttags=all for AND relationship (thanks @zymeth25! πŸŽ‰) = 0.78.1 = * Refactor in widget parameters by @zymeth25, all widget related issues with missing parameters will be gone for good. = 0.78 = * Adds `before=today`, when you use it the plugin will get today's date dynamically and display only old posts. Thanks @nnasirzada for the PR implementing this! * Changes in pagination: You can now have no anchor links in the pagination. Check [the wiki](https://github.com/picandocodigo/List-Category-Posts/wiki/Pagination) for more info. Thanks @zymeth25 for this feature! If you're using the `lcp_page_link` somewhere or customized the `lcp-paginator.php` file somehow, watch out because we refactored this function. Also, let us know what you changed to see if we can incorporate it in the core plugin :) = 0.77.1 = * Bug fix by @zymeth25: In some rare cases wp_reset_query fails to reset global $post to its initial value. This manual reset ensures the plugin leaves the main query in a clean state regardless of circumstances. Fixes https://wordpress.org/support/topic/your-plugin-has-a-crazy-bug-conflict-with-elementor/#post-10145793 and https://github.com/picandocodigo/List-Category-Posts/issues/320. = 0.77 = * Improvements in testing by @zymeth25. * Removed hardcoded wp_ as table prefix and replaced with $wpdb->prefix to allow for WordPress database tables which are setup to use more secure prefixes by @djadan. = 0.76.1 = * Fixes parsing error for PHP < 5.4. We will be dropping support for PHP pre 5.4 soon, so we recommend you to upgrade to a newer version. = 0.76 = * Starting_with support for utf8mb4 charset * Improve catlink/catlist in widget * Avoid PHP Notices when trying to replace widget title but no category is present. * Fix 'current category' handling * Better test coverage * Fix dates parameters: `before` and `after` are now working again * Remove warning for deprecated `create_function` in PHP 7 = 0.75.2 = * Fix `author_post` and `search` parameters. * Multiple instances pagination fix. * New test for the LcpPaginator class. = 0.75.1 = * Fix a case where pagination would show up but the CSS wasn't being loaded. * Fixes other issues with pagination Thanks Klemens Starybrat (zymeth25) for the fixes in this release :) = 0.75 = * Improvements to `custom_fields` and `customfield_orderby`. Please check the readme for more information. * Several bug fixes to pagination. * Do not hide empty categories from widget. Special thanks to Klemens Starybrat (zymeth25) for all the contributions. = 0.74.2 = * Add pagination function for templates. = 0.74.1 = * Possibly fixed a bug where the code for the Paginator class would show up in some blogs. Apparently some PHP ini accept " to define where the excerpt ends. * Fixes link_titles=false creates plain text rather than unlinked formatted text as you might expect. * Fixes title_limit not working correctly Other minor fixes by me. = 0.58.1 = * Fixes an error with pagination links. Accessing $_SERVER filtered not working on some servers, have to investigate further for a future version. * Addresses warning messages when debug enabled. = 0.58 = * Removes filter interfering with filters set by other plugins. Thanks [zulkamal](https://github.com/zulkamal) for the Pull Request! * Adds option to display titles without links. Thanks zulkamal for this Pull Request too! :D * Workaround to prevent '?&' to appear in URLs. Thanks [mhoeher](https://github.com/mhoeher) for the Pull Request! * General refactors for improving code quality/security. * Fixed typo in Readme (Thanks Irma!). * Fixes excluding tags when using category name (should fix other issues with category name too since there was a bug there). = 0.57 = * Add custom image sizes to the list of selectable image sizes in the widget. Thanks [nuss](https://github.com/nuss) for the Pull Request! * New Attribute 'no_post_titles'. Thanks [thomasWeise](https://github.com/thomasWeise) for the Pull Request! * Finnish localization. Thanks [Newman101](https://github.com/Newman101) for the Pull Request! = 0.56 = * Adds Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) translation. Thanks Dhyayi Warapsari! * Adds french from France language. Thanks Dorian Herlory! * Adds content=full parameter to ignore tags when displaying content. Thanks Sophist-UK! * Fixes excluded_tags parameter = 0.55 = * Ordered lists now follow the posts count when using pagination - https://wordpress.org/support/topic/templateol-resets-count-when-using-pagination * Fixes issue introduced in 0.54 with undefined indexes - https://wordpress.org/support/topic/problem-continues-with-0542 = 0.54.2 = * Fixes call to undefined method lcp_get_current_post_id() = 0.54.1 = * Fixes bug in LcpParameters. = 0.54 = * Adds http/https check for pagination links. * Fixes `post_status` and `post_type` parameters for using multiple post statuses and types. * Big refactor: Thumbnail code, parameters moved to new class, created util class, removed bad and repeated code, moved category code to new class. Small fixes all around the place. Went from a very bad 1.77 GPA to 3.23 on CodeClimate. = 0.53 = * Makes "starting_with" parameter accept several letters, by Diego Sorribas. Thank you! = 0.52 = * Small fix for pagination and query string. * Fix on multiple categories with AND relationship. * Fixes options page 404 and saving options. * Tested with WordPress 4.1. = 0.51 = * Fixes translations, updates Spanish translation. Translators, please update your po and mo files and submit them via pull request on GitHub :) * Test compatibility with WordPress 4.0 * Adds icon for WordPress 4.0 new plugin interface. * Fixes posts_morelink and customfields for templates. * Adds fixes by [htrex](https://github.com/htrex): * Fix custom template regression * Fix excluded categories not working in widget = 0.50.3 = * Addresses some warnings / scandir on Displayer and catname on widget * Fixes lcp_paginator.css path * Some small sanitations = 0.50.2 = * Small fix on templates = 0.50.1 = * Fixes issue with catlink. * Fixes issue with templates named "default" = 0.50 = * Adds Thai translation by [itpcc](https://github.com/itpcc). * The widget can now select an existing template. Thanks [Borjan Tchakaloff](https://github.com/bibz)! * Templates code was refactored. = 0.49.1 = * Makes sure "starting_with" queries are case insesitive. * Fixes category link on 'catlink' and 'catname' parameters (were showing twice) = 0.49 = * Adds `author_posts_link`, to show an author's page. * Adds catname parameter to show just the category name (and not the link). Thanks user sirenAri from the [forum](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/a-couple-of-suggestions-and-one-teensy-error). * Small bug fix for getting current category. Used to check against simple string, now checking against i18n'ed one. = 0.48 = * Bug fixes * Adds parameter to show modified date of posts. Thanks Eric Sandine for the Pull Request :) = 0.47 = * Adds Ukranian translation by Michael Yunat [http://getvoip.com](http://getvoip.com/blog) * Adds `display_id` parameter. Set it to yes to show the Post's ID next to the post title. * Adds `starting_with` parameter. Gets posts whose title start with a given letter. = 0.46.4 = * Finally (hopefully) fix the excerpt issues. = 0.46.3 = * Fix something that I broke on previous update for excerpt :S = 0.46.2 = * Some fixes on displaying excerpt. = 0.46.1 = * Fixes quotes bug on title tag. * Only show ellipsis when title.size > title_limit when using the title_limit param. = 0.46 = * Adds "the_excerpt" filter to excerpt to improve compatibility with the [Jetpack](http://wordpress.org/plugins/jetpack/) plugin. * Add character limit to title * Removes debug warnings * Output valid HTML, attribute quotations - thanks Nikolaus Demmel! = 0.45 = * Adds ol default template to `template` parameter. * Improves documentation. = 0.44.1 = * Removes warning when using current tag in pages * Small fix on Readme = 0.44 = * Adds the feature to get an author's posts * Adds show posts from current post's tags. = 0.43.1 = * Show "no posts text" only if it's been set and there are no posts, otherwise behave like before. = 0.43 = * Removes filters to order by (should fix issues with order) * Adds `pagination_prev` and `pagination_next` params to customize the "Previous" and "Next" buttons on pagination navigation. * Only show pages in pagination when they are > 1 * Adds `no_posts_text` param to display a custom message when no posts are found * Fixes "morelink" class parameter (now can be used without specifying an HTML tag and the class is applied to the a tag). = 0.42.3 = * Adds missing title attribute from thumbnail links. = 0.42.2 = * Fixes pagination numbers * Removes warning on wp-debug set to true = 0.42.1 = * Fixes some debug warnings (Ruby's nil doesn't apply in the PHP World) = 0.42 = * Fixes excludeposts=this. * Adds customfield_tag and customfield_class to customize an HTML tag and CSS class for custom fields. = 0.41.2 = * Small bugfix with customfield_display_name (wasn't working now it is) = 0.41.1 = * Fixes customfield display name. * Fixes size in getting thumbnails, now checks for all available sizes and defaults ("thumbnail", "full", etc.) = 0.41.0 = * Adds options page, to set the default numberposts value globally. * Adds `customfield_display_name` param. * Adds pagination to custom template. * Fixes date display. * Adds conditions to Vagrantfile to boot faster and not repeat work. * Fixes exclude posts, broken when migrating from get_posts to WP_Query. = 0.40.1 = * Small fix closing quotes on content when using = 0.40 = * Tested with WordPress 3.8 * Removes unnecessary stuff on wp_enqueue_styles * Fixes validation when using quotes in title * Fixes on tag * Fixes on title HTML tag and CSS class. (*See HTML & CSS Customization* on [Other Notes](http://wordpress.org/plugins/list-category-posts/other_notes/) to check the expected behaviour) = 0.39 = * Adds "post suffix" parameter, to add a String after each post listed. [Source](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/hack-post-title-adding-elements) = 0.38 = * Adds pagination. Check **Pagination** on [Other notes](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/list-category-posts/other_notes/) to learn how to use it. * Adds "How to display thumbnails next to title" to the FAQ. * Adds a Vagrant box for developers to be able to start coding with no effort :) = 0.37 = * Supports `more` tag. If there's a <!--more--> tag in the post, then it will behave just as WordPress does: only show the content previous to the more tag. * Fixes YouTube thumbnails: Includes "embed" urls for youtube video thumbnails, makes correct img tag when using CSS class. = 0.36.2 = * Fixed category_count for several categories. = 0.36.1 = * Fixed catlink to display titles for all the categories when using more than one category. = 0.36 = * Adds option for "target=_blank" for post links. * Adds option to exclude category when using the *and* relationship: `[catlist id=1+2-3]` will include posts from categories 1 and 2 but not 3. = 0.35 = * Updated Turkish translation, thanks again [Hakan Er](http://hakanertr.wordpress.com/)! * Adds feature to order by custom field using the `customfield_orderby` parameter. = 0.34.1 = * Bugfix (removed var_dump) = 0.34 = * Now accepts either class or tag or both for styling elements (such as date, author, etc. to display). When just using a tag, it will sorround the element with that tag. When using just a class, it will wrap the element between span tags and the given CSS class. Check [Other notes](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/list-category-posts/other_notes/) under **HTML & CSS Customization** for more info. * Fixed bug on `post_status`, it used to show all published posts and if user was logged in, all private ones too. Now you can specify 'private' to just display private posts, and draft, publish, draft, etc (See **post_status** param on the [instructions](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/list-category-posts/other_notes/) for more info). = 0.33 = * Fixes bug with thumbnail size on Widget. * Adds feature to make widget title a link to the category. Use 'catlink' as the value for the widget's title to make it a link to the category (based on https://github.com/picandocodigo/List-Category-Posts/pull/51/). * Fixes morelink styiling with CSS class and tag. * Adds morelink to templates (based on https://github.com/picandocodigo/List-Category-Posts/pull/48/) * Fixes tag and CSS class for "catlink" too: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/cat_link-tag-does-not-seem-to-be-working = 0.32 = * Add category count parameter to show the number of posts in a category next to its title. Only works when using the **catlink** option: `[catlist name=nintendo catlink=yes category_count=yes]` - http://wordpress.org/support/topic/count-feature = 0.31 = * Pull request from @cfoellmann, adds testing environment and Travis CI integration. Awesomeness. * When searching for a thumbnail, if there's no thumbnail on the post but there's a YouTube video, display the YouTube video thumbnail. (wordpress.org/support/topic/youtube-thumbnail) = 0.30.3 = * Bugfix release, fixes current category for post/page = 0.30.2 = * Improves 'current category' detection. * Adds categorypage parameter to widget = 0.30.1 = * **excerpt** - Fixed default excerpt behaviour from previous release. By default it **will** strip html tags as it always did. If you want it not to strip tags, you'll have to use `excerpt_strip=no`. Added a new parameter to have a consistent excerpt. If you want to overwrite WordPress' excerpt when using the plugin and generate one the way the plugin does when there's no excerpt, use `excerpt_overwrite=yes`. = 0.30 = * Adds ability to exclude tags. * Changes excerpt. Since lot of users have asked for it, I once again modified the way the excerpt is shown. It now respects your theme's allowed HTML tags and doesn't strip them from the excerpt. If you want to strip tags, use `excerpt_strip=yes`. = 0.29 = * Adds turkish translation, thanks [Hakan Er](http://hakanertr.wordpress.com/) for writing this translation! :) * Adds "AND" relationship to several categories. Thanks to [hvianna](http://wordpress.org/support/profile/hvianna) from the WordPress forums who [implemented this feature](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/list-only-posts-that-belong-to-two-or-more-categories-solution) :D * More improvements on readme. = 0.28 = * Improvements on readme, faqs. * New posts_morelink param: adds a 'read more' link to each post. = 0.27.1 = * Sets minimum version to WordPress 3.3, since wp_trim_words was introduced in that version. Adds workaround for people using WordPress < 3.3. * Adds Slovak translation by Branco from [WebHostingGeeks.com](http://webhostinggeeks.com/blog/). * Removes Debug PHP warnings. * Checkboxes on Widget save state, i18n for widget. * Adds excerpt size to widget. = 0.27 = * Fixes to widget. * Adds year and month parameters to list posts from a certain year and/or month. * Adds search parameter to display posts that match a search term. = 0.26 = * Adds i18n, German and Spanish translations. All credit to [cfoellmann](https://github.com/cfoellmann) for implementing this and writing the German translation. Thanks! :) = 0.25.1 = * Changed excerpt limit, it uses word count, and is working for WordPress' excerpt and auto generated ones. = 0.25 = * Better excerpt * Applies title filter, should work with qTranslate * Adds post status parameter * Adds meta links to plugin page - most importantly: INSTRUCTIONS (please read them). = 0.24 = * Fixes "excerpt doesn't strip shortcodes" - https://github.com/picandocodigo/List-Category-Posts/issues/5 * Exclude currently displayed post - [1](http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/44895/exclude-current-page-from-list-of-pages/), [2](https://github.com/picandocodigo/List-Category-Posts/pull/8) * Add title to category title [1](http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/44467/list-category-plugin-changing-the-links), will be improved. * Attempting to condition whitespaces to WordPress Coding Standard (emacs php-mode sucks for this...) * No more git-svn crap, now I'm developing this over at (GitHub)[https://github.com/picandocodigo/List-Category-Posts] and copying it into the WordPress SVN Repo. = 0.23.2 = * Bugfix release = 0.23.1 = * Bugfix release = 0.23 = This update is dedicated to [Michelle K McGinnis](http://friendlywebconsulting.com/) who bought me "Diamond Age" by Neal Stephenson from my [Amazon Wishlist](http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/2HU1JYOF7DX5Q/ref=wl_web). Thanks! :D * Added excerpt size. You can set how many characters you want the excerpt to display with 'excerpt_size'. * Fixed HTML tag and CSS class for each element (Check [Other notes](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/list-category-posts/other_notes/) for usage). * Removed shortcodes from excerpt. = 0.22.3 = * Fixed thumbnail size parameter, added usage example on README. * Added space after author and date http://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-list-category-posts-space-required-after = 0.22.2 = * Fixed bug with the categorypage=yes param. * Tested with WordPress 3.3. = 0.22.1 = * Fixed accidentally deleted line which made the catlink=yes param not work. = 0.22 = * Added CSS "current" class hook for current post in the list: .current class attached to either the li or a tag of the currently viewed page in the said list. http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/q/35552/298 * Added *morelink* parameter, check Other notes for usage. = 0.21.2 = * Removed var_dump... (Sorry about that) = 0.21.1 = * Small fixes: * Used "empty()" function for some Strings instead of evaluating isset() and != ''. * Include parameters on the get_posts args only when they are set (post_parent among others). = 0.21 = * Added 'thumbnail_class' parameter, so you can set a CSS class to the thumbnail and style it. = 0.20.5 = * Brought back the multiple categories functionality for the id parameter. Hopefully the last 0.20 bugfix release so I can start working on new stuff to implement. * Now the name parameter accepts multiple categories too. Just use: `[catlist name=category1,category2]` = 0.20.4 = * Yet another bugfix, regarding nothing being displayed when using tags. = 0.20.3 = * Fixed category detection code, which created some messy bugs in some cases = 0.20.2 = * Minor bugfix release = 0.20.1 = * Fixed extra " added to ul tag, thanks ideric (http://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-list-category-posts-extra-added-to-ul-tag) = 0.20 = * Added the possibility to list posts from the current post's category * Some fixes to documentation = 0.19.3 = * Another taxonomy fix, thanks frisco! http://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-list-category-posts-problem-with-custom-taxonomies = 0.19.2 = * Small fix, missing parameter for taxonomy. = 0.19.1 = * Added thumbnail to Widget. * Added thumbnail link to post (http://picod.net/33). = 0.19 = This update is dedicated to S. Keller from Switzerland who gave me "The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" from my Amazon Wishlit in appreciation for the plugin. I am really enjoying the read :D. If you, like S would like to show your appreciation, here's my [wishlist](http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/2HU1JYOF7DX5Q/ref=wl_web): * Fixed private post logic, not displaying post if private. Thanks Bainternet from WordPress Answers: http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/12514/list-category-posts-not-showing-posts-marked-private-to-logged-in-users/12520#12520 * Added thumbnail_size parameter. * Added support for custom taxonomies and also moved to the array call of get_posts. Coded by wsherliker, thanks! http://picod.net/32 * Fixed widget, now it remembers saved options. = 0.18.3 = * Small excerpt fix, some readme file fixing too. * Not showing the_content for password protected posts. = 0.18.2 = * Small fixes. Should work for name parameter in all cases now. = 0.18.1 = * Added slug and name to the fetching of category id from previous update. = 0.18 = * Fixed category id bug. Reported and fixed by Eric Celeste - http://eric.clst.org, thanks! * Improved template system a liitle bit, now you can pass an HTML tag and a CSS class to sorround each field on your template. * Added category link which wasn't working after previous big update. = 0.17.1 = * Fixed displaying of "Author:" even when not being called. = 0.17 = * Major rewrite. The whole code was rewritten using objects. It's easier now to develop for List Category Posts. * Both STYLESHEETPATH and TEMPLATEPATH are checked for templates. = 0.16.1 = * Fixed shortcode nesting. = 0.16 = * Changed STYLESHEETPATH to TEMPLATEPATH to point to the parent theme. * Added support to display custom fields. (http://picod.net/wp03) * Tested with WordPress 3.1 - http://wordpress.org/support/topic/399754 = 0.15.1 = * Fixed a bug with undeclared variable. (Check http://picod.net/walcp, thanks Das!) = 0.15 = * Added custom fields support. Define both custom field (customfield_name) and value (customfield_value) to use it. = 0.14.1 = * Fixed "Show the title of the category with a link to the category" code (catlink param), it broke on some previous update, but now it's working again. Thanks Soccerwidow on the WP Forums for pointing this out. = 0.14 = * Added "post_type" and "post_parent" from the underlining "get_posts()" API to be usable within the short-code. By Martin Crawford, thanks! * Added the "class" parameter to style the default ul. You can pass a class name, or the plugin will use "lcp_catlist" bby default. Thanks Chocolaterebel (http://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-list-category-posts-sharing-my-own-template-in-lcp). * Fixed "tags" parameter on the documentation, it used to say "tag", and the plugin looks for "tags". = 0.13.2 = * Fixed thumbnail code, added it to default.php template as example. = 0.13.1 = * Fixed broken dateformat. = 0.13 = * Show post thumbnails, should be tested, feedback on styling is welcome. Thanks to Sebastian from http://www.avantix.com.ar/ = 0.12 = * Added comments count. * Updated readme file = 0.11.2 = * Another minimal bug fixed with the excerpt... = 0.11.1 = * Fixed small bug which made the excerpt show up everytime... (Sorry :S) = 0.11 = * Automatic excerpt added in case the user didn't specifically write an excerpt. * Widget has been finally fixed. The attributes finally save themselves, and the widget works as expected :D = 0.10.1 = * Small fix - added ul tags to default template. * Compatible WordPress 3.0 with Twenty Ten theme (thanks again Doug Joseph :) ) = 0.10 = * Code for the_content was fixed so that the content to output filtered content (thanks DougJoseph http://wordpress.org/support/topic/399754) = 0.9 = * admin parameter now shows "display name" instead of "user nice name". * Template system has changed: In older version, custom templates got deleted if an automatic upgrade was done. Now templates are stored in the theme folder. (Thanks Paul Clark) * Added tag support = 0.8.1 = * Fixed bug for 'content'. * There's new stuff on the widget options. I'm still working on it, so some bugs may appear. = 0.8 = * Widget implements WP 2.8 Widget API, so at least 2.8 is required. Now you can use as many widgets as necessary, with new params. * Updated readme file. = 0.7.2 = * Fixed link to category. * Improved template system. = 0.7.1 = * Fixed uber stupid bug with offset... Sorry about that! = 0.7 = * Exclude posts. Contribution by acub. * Offset parameter on shortcode to start listing posts with an offset. Contribution by Levi Vasquez * Content of the post can now be displayed. Contribution by Lang Zerner. * Link to the category available. By request on the plugin's forum. * Fixed small bug when using category name. = 0.6 = * Minor fix for unclosed ul if not using templates. * Added option to list posts from many categories at once. * Added option to exclude categories. = 0.5 = * Readme.txt validation. * Added 'excerpt' parameter. You can now show the excerpt for each post. * Added 'dateformat' parameter. Format of the date output. Default is get_option('date_format') - by Verex * Added 'template' parameter. Now you can choose template for output of the plugin. File name of template from templates directory without extension. Example: For 'template.php' value is only 'template'. Default is 'default' that means template in code of plugin not in template file -by Verex = 0.4.1 = * Fixed some code to enable PHP 4 compatibility. Shouldn't hosting services update to PHP 5? = 0.4 = * Added 'date' parameter. Now you can show the post's date when listed. * Added 'author' parameter. You can also show the post's author. * Sidebar Widget now allows you to add a title in h2 tags. * Changed some variable names, to keep better compatibility with other plugins/wordpress variables. * Tested with Wordpress 2.7. = 0.3 = * Broke backwards compatibility. Users of version 0.1 should update their pages and posts for the new shortcode formatting. * Option to pass arguments to the plugin, in order to use name of category instead of ID, orderby, order and number of posts are passed through parameters. = 0.2 = * Added experimental sidebar widget (use at your own risk, not ready for prime-time yet since it hasn't been tested :P ) = 0.1.1 = * Fixed major bug, which gave 404 error when trying to use "Options" page. = 0.1 = * Option page to limit number of posts. * Working using [category=ID] for posts and pages, with several categories support.